‘Act Belong Commit’ National Tree Day


In Week 2 of Term 3, Year 10 Act Belong Commit Committee members Om Sharma and Joshua Cabutaje planted 60 seedlings under the Tuarts on Leach Hwy beside the school. Gardener, Paul Stigwood had helped prepare the area ahead of the day and luckily the weather was shining beautifully.

As part of the City of Melville’s Happiness Stimulus Package, Melville City Council free native plant packs to support Happy Habitats in our community to be planted on Friday 31st of July (National Tree Day).

The aim of this program is to increase habitat and food for native animals and to enable the safe passage of different species between areas of natural bushland within the City. The students involved not only learned a few basic gardening tips, but also the importance of native corridors in suburban environments.

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