Class of 2021 ATAR Success


Congratulations to the Melville SHS 2021 Graduates who did so well in their exams and qualifications. Melville was the only Government School to Achieve 100% WACE. This meant that every student across ATAR/General and our Vocational Education Training program in Year 12 met the achievement requirements for a certificate of education. A fantastic job by all.

Our graduating class of 2021 achieved outstanding academic success both collectively and individually. The following is a snapshot of the headline achievements as individuals and as a cohort:

  • Melville SHS was the only Department of Education school to have 100% WACE achievement for its Year 12 cohort.
  • Melville SHS was a Top 50 ATAR school and the 13th highest government school for ATAR results.
  • Zachary Alpers (99.6) and Ewina Tay (99.55) each received an ATAR over 99 placing them in the top 1% of the state (public or private) and earning entry into the state’s highly exclusive ‘99 Club’.
  • An additional nine students achieved an ATAR between the range of 95 – 98.9 and gained entry into the Melville SHS ‘95 Club’. These students included: Anay Joshi (98.9), Samuel Wong (98.9), Parham Bahrami (98.15), Charlotte Simmons (97.05), Harshvardhan Chaudhry (96.75), Jane Kim (96.2), Tashfeen Muhammad (96.05), Yolande Pereira (96.05) and Erin Munro (95.85).
  • Six students received subject Certificates of Excellence for achieving in the top 0.5% of students across the state in an ATAR course. These students include Jasper Prestage (English), Ewina Tay (English as an Additional Language or Dialect), Bryanna Wearing (Health Studies), Phoebe Bell (Literature), Jane Kim (Mathematics Applications) and Zachary Alpers (Physics).
  • Six students received a state-wide Certificate of Distinction and 26 students received a Certificate of Merit for receiving 190 – 200 or 150 – 189 points respectively across 20 units of study completed at school over two years.
  • Charlotte Simmons has had her artwork accepted into the Pulse Perspectives Exhibition of the best Year 12 artworks at the Art Gallery of Western Australia.
  • Two students have been offered places to study Bachelor of Philosophy at UWA.
  • 100% of our students also achieved their Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA).
  • Our ATAR participation rate was 51%. This was one of the higher ATAR participation rates in the public school system. Our Certificate II, III and/or IV (VET) participation rate was 79%.
  • 100% of our participating students completed their Certificate II, III and/or IV.
  • Based on students achieving in the top 15% of the state, Melville was identified as a ‘top-performing school’ in Applied Information Technology, English as an Additional Language, Health Studies and Mathematics Specialist
  • ATAR courses where students scored above the state mean were: Biology, Chemistry, Chinese First Language, Chinese Background Language, English, English as an Additional Language, Geography, Health Studies, Mathematics Applications, Mathematics Methods, Mathematics Specialist, Modern History, Physics, Physical Education Studies, Visual Arts
  • ATAR Performance Summary:
  • 2% of our students achieved an ATAR of 99+ (i.e. in the top 1% of the state)
  • 11% of our students achieved an ATAR of 95+ (i.e. in the top 5% of the state)
  • 24% of our students achieved an ATAR of 90+ (i.e. in the top 10% of the state)
  • 59% of our students achieved an ATAR of 80+ (i.e. in the top 20% of the state)
  • 78% of our students achieved an ATAR of 70+ (i.e. in the top 30% of the state)
  • 96% of our students achieved an ATAR of 55+ (i.e. in the top 45% of the state)

High Achievers

Congratulations to Gifted and Talented students Zachary Alpers and Ewina Tay who join the Melville SHS ‘99 Club. They both gained incredible ATAR scores. Zachary (99.6) has been accepted into the prestigious Bachelor of Philosophy (Physics) at UWA and Ewina (99.55) has accepted an early offer into Actuarial Science at Curtin University.


A record number of students joined our ’95 Club and many are continuing their studies in STEM Careers:

  • Anay Joshi (98.95) – Advanced Computer Science at UWA
  • Samuel Wong (98.9) – Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) at Curtin University
  • Parham Bahrami (98.15) – Bachelor of Engineering (Automation and Robotics Engineering) and Bachelor of Philosophy (Management) at UWA
  • Harshvardhan Chaudhry (96.75) – Advanced Computing (R&D) Hons at ANU
  • Jane Kim (96.2) – Nutritional Science at Curtin University
  • Tashfeen Muhammad (96.05) – Assured Pathway to medicine or dentistry via the Bachelor of Biomedical Science at UWA
  • Yolande Pereira (95.9) – a gap Year in 2022 and then hoping to study Biomedicine at Curtin in 2023
  • Erin Munro (95.85) – Laboratory Medicine (Bachelor of Science) at Curtin University

SCSA and ATAR Course Awards

Well done to all the teachers at Melville SHS, particularly those who took their whole class to the next level to receive Course Awards for the highest performing students. These courses were Applied Information Technology, Mathematics Specialist, English as an Additional Language and Health Studies.

Six students received a Subject Certificate of Excellence for being in the top 0.5% of candidates. Congratulations to Jasper Prestage (English), Ewina Tay (English as an Additional Language or Dialect), Bryanna Wearing (Health Studies), Phoebe Bell (Literature), Jane Kim (Mathematics Applications) and Zachary Alpers (Physics). Melville also had six students receive a Certificate of Distinction and twenty-five students receive a Certificate of Merit.

High All-Round Achiever

Charlotte Simmons has had her artwork accepted into the Pulse Perspectives Exhibition of the best Year 12 artworks at the Art Gallery of Western Australia. Charlotte was a part of our Graphic Design Media Specialist Program. At the school’s Valedictory evening, Charlotte won the AMPOL Best All-rounder Award. In addition to this, she achieved the top student award in ATAR English, Politics and Law, Visual Arts and Health Studies.

Charlotte has balanced academic success with her love of art. She has been accepted into UWA with an Assured Law Pathway and will first study a Bachelor of Philosophy (Political Science and International Relations, and Population Health).

Music Excellence

Cooper Woods has been accepted into the prestigious Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA). Cooper was part of the Music in Focus program at Melville Senior High School and learned contemporary guitar via the IMSS program. He will be studying the Diploma of Music (Music Artist) course and we wish him all the best in his future pursuits.


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1 Comment.

  • As parents, we are extremely indebted to the dedications exhibited by the staff of MSHS, particularly the examplirary leadership of Mr. Philip White whom I have personally encountered. Also worthy of praise is Mrs Sidhu whose untiring efforts has paid off.
    Warm regards,
    Ewina Tay’s parents

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