Information for Parents of New Students enrolling at Melville in 2025

We look forward to welcoming your child to our school in 2025.

Please refer to the below resources for parents of enrolled students entering Year 7 in 2025 shared at our Parent Information Evening.

Student Uniforms, Canteen, Contributions and Charges, Community Nurse

Uniform Orders

Uniforms can be ordered online or in store using the Melville ‘Nell Gray’ brand from:

Uniform Concepts – Nell Gray
30 Kembla Way, Willetton
Phone:  +61 8 9270 4669

For students requiring uniforms in the new school year, it is recommended that orders are made before Christmas to ensure availability.

If students grow out of uniforms by the time they receive them exchanges will be made if tags are intact.

All new students are encouraged to make an appointment with the uniform shop for a fitting. Appointments can be made by visiting the store or online at Nell Gray.

Opening Hours

The Nell Gray uniform shop is open 6 days a week.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9 am to 5 pm
Thursday 9 am to 6 pm
Saturday 9 am – 1 pm

To view and order, visit the website

*Times are subject to change without notice.

What to wear? View our Uniform

Refer to the uniform policy for all requirements of the Melville uniform.

There are consequences for not wearing the correct uniform.

Price List

The uniform price list is subject to change.

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Order Online with My School Connect

Order your child’s lunch online and top up your MySchool Connect account.

Refer to the 2025 Contributions and  Charges list for each year group, Subject Selection Handbook and additional course information.

Note: Some programs and options have additional compulsory charges. These charges are listed in the Subject Selection Handbook and are due to be paid early in Term 1. The courses available and charges may change each year.

Financial support plays a significant role in supplying resources that increase our ability to enhance students’ educational experiences. In accordance with the Education Act of 1999 and Department of Education Policy, Melville Senior High School seeks to maintain parent contributions at a minimum level of equity and minimum charge in order to facilitate the extension and enrichment of our educational programme.

Additional Charges

Courses and activities that incur additional charges, where parent/student elects to participate. These may include:

  • Courses in Years 7 to 10 that have a higher expense associated with their provision (e.g. outdoor education, art, camps).
  • Courses for which there is a higher expense associated with their provision (e.g. Specialist and Focus programs).
  • Other optional school-based activities which address broad learning outcomes and for which there is a higher expense (e.g. Graduation dinners, end-of-term activities).

The remaining course payments are required prior to the commencement of Semester 2. If unpaid, students may be asked to switch to a reduced expense option, and the outstanding amount will be sent to a debt collection agency.

Year 11 and 12: Compulsory charges apply to all courses.

Payment Options
    • Direct to the school office by cash, EFTPOS, and credit card payment.
    • EFT bank details are as follows:
      BSB – 016 008   Account No – 3408 80569
      (Quote the student’s surname and student number – this is shown on the Contributions & Charges Sheet)
    • Regular direct debits can be established if you would like to pay your school charges by instalments.
    • Centrepay: you can choose to have a regular manageable amount deducted from your payment to pay for your child’s schooling. Information and forms regarding this free direct bill-paying service offered to customers receiving payments from Centrelink is available from the school office.
Secondary Assistance Scheme

The Department of Education provides an allowance to assist eligible families with secondary schooling costs.

Parents and carers who hold one of the following cards with the student’s name listed as a reference number are eligible to apply for the Secondary Assistance Scheme – Department of Education:

    • Centrelink Family Health Care Card
    • Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card
    • Veteran’s Affairs Pensioner Concession Card (Blue only). Application forms are only available from Melville Senior High School Office Administration.

Note: The scheme application deadline falls on the last week of Term 1. Late applications will not be accepted.

Note: Students in receipt of ABSTUDY are eligible for the ABSTUDY supplement allowance, which must be applied for at Melville Senior High School.

Other allowances are available including Boarding Away from Home Allowance and Scholarships.

Information is available from the school. Please contact Services Australia regarding assistance for isolated children and mobility allowance for students with disabilities aged 16 years and over.

* The Department of Education’s Contributions, Charges and Fees Policy states that “a school may request a confirmation charge of up to 50% of the total cost of an extra cost optional component in order that a student’s enrolment in a course be confirmed”. Our school board has ratified all voluntary contributions, charges and extra cost options and has approved a 50% confirmation charge for extra cost optional components.

Please call the school on +61 8 6274 1300 to seek clarification or assistance on any of the above services.

The Community Nurse

A Community Nurse is located in the Student Services area. The role combines health promotion and education, and first aid to students on campus.

ASCIA (Australian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy) Action Plans for Anaphylaxis and Allergic Reactions – See more at:

The Role of the Community Nurse

In Western Australia, all public secondary schools and institutions provide school health services. Community health nurses serve as children and adolescents’ initial point of contact with the healthcare system and are the primary health liaisons for schools. Together, community health nurses and school personnel aim to improve students’ health, well-being, and educational outcomes on an individual and group basis.

Our Community Health Nurses work in tandem with the Student Services team to provide care for students with particular difficulties. They are skilled in assessing adolescent health needs and frequently engage in health counselling to identify issues, risks, and protective factors, as well as offer guidance, brief interventions, referral to other services and follow-up care.

The school’s Health Centre, located in the Student Services area, is a place where students can either drop in (ideally, during break) or schedule an appointment to discuss health and well-being issues. The recommended pathway for attending the Health Centre is that the student requests permission to leave class by showing his/her diary to the teacher. The student may then walk to Student Services and sign in using their Academy card at which point they may see the Community Nurse.

If deemed unwell enough to be excused from school, the Community Nurse will phone the student’s parent/carer.
In the best interest of the student and to improve overall resiliency, the use of mobile phone messaging between students and parents during the school day is discouraged, as miscommunication regarding illness or injury may lead to confusion and anxiety for the parent.

Our focus is to empower students to become self-responsible young adults.

It is important to note that we do not dispense any medication and students are encouraged to carry one dose of analgesia e.g. Panadol.

Appointments may be made by phoning 62741320 or emailing

If there are any changes to your child’s health status or if you simply have a query, please do not hesitate to phone or email the Health Centre.

Health Services in Secondary Schools

  • Access to health services for students to address a range of health issues.
  • Support for teachers to provide health education in the classroom (e.g. sexual health).
  • Facilitation of health-related professional development for teachers (e.g. anaphylaxis and asthma).
  • Student health and wellbeing programs (e.g. resilience).
  • Support for school health promotion initiatives such as mental health (e.g RUOK Day).
  • Assistance for staff and parents to develop health care plans for students with special needs (e.g. chronic illness, physical disability or other complex health conditions).
  • Assistance to the school in establishing systems to deal with illness and injury in the absence of a nurse.
  • First aid for medical emergencies if on site.

The Health Centre, located in the Student Services area, is a place where adolescents can either drop in (ideally at recess or lunch) or make an appointment to discuss health and well-being issues. The recommended pathway for attending the Health Centre is that the student requests permission to leave class by showing his/her diary to the teacher. The student may then walk to Student Services and sign in using their Academy card at which point they may see the Community Nurse.

If deemed unwell enough to be excused from school, the Community Nurse will phone the student’s parent/carer. To improve overall resiliency, we discourage mobile phone messaging between students and parents during the school day as a miscommunication regarding illness or injury may lead to confusion and angst for the parent.