Attendance and Pastoral Care Portal
From Term 4 2024, parents can access ‘Compass’, an integrated, cloud-based, school information system, to report their child’s absences, and receive pastoral care information about their child.
The Compass software application delivered by the Department of Education’s Program Kaartdijin is used by many schools across Australia to track student attendance and activities. It help’s parents, families, carers and school staff access the most up-to-date contact and pastoral care information about your child.
Parents will now use the Compass parent portal to report student absences and receive pastoral care information such as letters of commendation.
The accuracy and management of student records is a confidential and critical tool for schools.
Compass will ensure communication between families and carers is efficient and easy to inform about incursions, excursions, events and camps, obtain consent and collect data on student absentees, medical information and payments.